Family Constellations Workshop

Family Constellations Workshop

Join our Family Constellations Workshop in London. This gathering is a great place to discover a powerful resource for navigating through any sort of life challenge you may be facing. You can bring a health issue, an emotional struggle, a challenging career goal, or a relationship issue to this workshop. We will help you discover a powerful new way to transform the core of any issue.

During this workshop we will look at the repeating patterns in our lives. We will explore the unseen, what we have unknowingly carried with us, and bring forth the reasons behind this, going back to its origins and handing back what’s not ours to carry. This workshop will be enriched by a conscious connected breathing session, which on its own is an amazingly simple, How does it work? It begins with you lying down,relaxing and just breathing. I’ ll be using an easy to follow breathing technique called 'conscious connected circular breathing. Adding attention and energy to breathing can help us manage our emotions and opens us to a deeper level of understanding.

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